Camp Ashraf - MEK Compound
Camp Ashraf - MEK Compound

In late April, 2003, the 934th FST was tasked by U.S. Special Operations to assess and treat wounded members of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, MEK, a guerrilla group on the U.S. State Department list of terrorist organizations.

The MEK carries out bombings and assassinations within Iran and worldwide. They broke a ceasefire agreement with the U.S. and as a consequence several were injured in U.S. airstrikes. Although they had a small hospital they lacked the facilities to treat their wounded.

A small element of the 934th made a total of 5 trips to Camp Ashraf over a 6-week period to treat the wounded, but it was apparent that many of the injuries were suffered by ongoing cross-border skirmishes within Iran and not by U.S. airstrikes.

 The men’s hospital at Camp Ashraf.  Men and women were kept in separate facilities.

The men’s hospital at Camp Ashraf. Men and women were kept in separate facilities.

Camp Ashraf - MEK Compound
 The men’s hospital at Camp Ashraf.  Men and women were kept in separate facilities.
Camp Ashraf - MEK Compound

In late April, 2003, the 934th FST was tasked by U.S. Special Operations to assess and treat wounded members of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, MEK, a guerrilla group on the U.S. State Department list of terrorist organizations.

The MEK carries out bombings and assassinations within Iran and worldwide. They broke a ceasefire agreement with the U.S. and as a consequence several were injured in U.S. airstrikes. Although they had a small hospital they lacked the facilities to treat their wounded.

A small element of the 934th made a total of 5 trips to Camp Ashraf over a 6-week period to treat the wounded, but it was apparent that many of the injuries were suffered by ongoing cross-border skirmishes within Iran and not by U.S. airstrikes.

The men’s hospital at Camp Ashraf. Men and women were kept in separate facilities.

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